Quello che i nostri studenti dicono di noi:
![]() | "Simonetta Margheriti of Italiano Diplomatico is an outstanding teacher of Italian language, perfectly suited to work with Ambassadors and diplomats. However, she is much more than a teacher of Italian language. Simonetta also gives her students an extraordinary understanding of Italian culture, history, regional differences and cuisines. Her knowledge of the Italian political system and how political, business and cultural elites interact in the Twenty First Century is also of invaluable help to students. Not surprisingly her book "La Confusione...regna sovrana" has become an indispensable guide for foreign diplomats in Rome in helping them to navigate the language of politics and diplomacy in Italy. I have no hesitation in giving Simonetta Margheriti and Italiano Diplomatico the highest possible recommendation." Mike Rann, Former Australian Ambassador to Italy, San Marino, Albania and Libya. Former Australian High Commissioner to the UK. Former Premier of South Australia |
![]() | The course that Simonetta has organized is exactlly what I had been looking for: enhance my knowledge of Italian language. The class is perfectly designed and topics analysed allow to better understand the logics and the dynamics of Italian as well as the "philosophy" of Italian lifestyle. Simonetta motivates all the students to speak and corrects the mistakes in an elegant and careful way. I completely recommend this course. Agata Ibek Poland Embassy Kurs zorganizowany przez Simonettę Margheriti jest dokładnie tym, czego szukałam od dawna, aby udoskonalić moja znajomość języka włoskiego. Organizacja lekcji jest perfekcyjna, a poruszane tematy pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć nie tylko logikę i dynamikę języka, ale także włoska filozofię życia. Simonetta zachęca każdego do zabierania głosu i koryguje błędy w sposób bardzo uważny i elegancki. Kurs zdecydowanie warty polecenia! Agata Ibek, Embassy of Poland |
![]() | I would heartily recommend Simonetta for any intermediate student of Italian, as I was. She combines incredible patience and kindness with exacting standards and an infinite zest for helping foreigners to understand all things Italian – not just the language. Jonathan Goldman |
![]() | I was very satisfied of the period of Italian language learning with Simonetta Margheriti. Classes are always efficient and enjoyable. Vesa Lehtonen |
![]() | From the beginning, with Simonetta Margheriti, I have noticed the great expertise and my linguistic skills strongly improved and met my working needs. More than the linguistic side, now I can better understand the many aspects of Italian culture, as well as the political and economical aspects. Learning Italian was also fun. Laura Litunaite Consul, Embassy of Lithuania |
![]() | Simonetta is an excellent teacher. Her methodology is encouraging and her classes were tailored on my own needs. I personally recommend her and Italiano Diplomatico to who wants to learn Italian. Antonia Grant |
![]() | Simonetta was a good teacher to me. Italian conversation is a perfect way to learn this language. Sergeant Chris Sweeney |
![]() | Learning Italian language with Simonetta Margheriti was an experience that I have enjoyed very much. My vocabulary was enriched thanks to the conversations about language, social life and culture. My knowledge on Italian culture has deeply increased Jurgita Voldemaraite |
![]() | Italienisch mit Simonetta, perfekt für Fortgeschrittene mit guten Grammatikkenntnissen! Wer etwas über Rom, Italien, Politik und viele andere landesspezifische Themen lernen und dabei gleichzeitig die Sprachkenntnisse erweitern will, ist hier genau richtig. Für mich persönlich eine große Hilfe auf dem Wege zur C2 Prüfung (Italienisch für Ausländer der Universität RomaTre). Beatrix Von Beust, Embassy of Germany |